Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What Does Tinea Look Like When Healing

JFM: Finally back in time Godi

Now I was finally back after weeks in our church (I was either always on the move (home, Berlin) or ill). I was pleased really, now to be back and see all those people again. I was also in preaching it. A long time I did not know what to take as a theme.

But then I decided to go for a cause that I some time ago in the prayer team arrived. Time and again we experience that are difficult to motivate people to take on a task or responsibility. Perhaps they even have a dream or a vision. But there is such a Riesenhemmschwelle is there, almost like a wall that seems to be almost insurmountable. You have fear of failure, of not being up to the task, they compare themselves with people who were apparently much better ...

I then tried to find a few encouraging thoughts and have the basis of the life of Gideon did, so I have called the sermon also learning Gideon . It's always hard to judge their own preaching, but at least this time I felt the power of God, even in my prayer at the end. This time, several people came up to me and said that the sermon had touched a real one (feedback is not as common). Very cool!

(I hope that I'll soon be able to offer a download link)

The worship time followed by Tine was again very cool, I could pray with a friend.

This time it has me especially happy that a friend was visiting, with the few times I have been on prayer journey. With him, I was behind again with my favorite Asians. How good that we did this time again our special action in Freak / / Freak out . Some throw purely money the others are allowed to take out something. There is something calm grade in my purse, it helps me to get by until the next salary because (there are unfortunately some people where you realize that the money actually need, dare not, out grow something. What is a pity, because it just so intended for them).


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