Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Mucus 10 Weeks Pregnant

prophecy: I will give you back the wasted years

It's somehow strange. Someone posting on Facebook another song from that album and I come back to this song by the Jesus said to me years ago. At that time I was really in a crisis: The end of my
voluntary social year drew to a close and I still did not know how it should proceed further. FSJ was already ne bridge where I had hoped to find out where to go my life, I was now still as clueless as before. My numerous visits to the

Labour Office, where I tossed some folders that describe different occupations, confused me rather than that they had brought me clarity. The other boys and girls in the house told team thrilled with how it would go with them: imitate high school, start training, study ... I just did not know.

addition, there was that my father was pressure that finally something had to go forward, my other siblings would already be on their own feet, only to me they would always support (and how great that they could not afford even a great privilege!). He said that indeed would all wasted years . I felt not at the so because I have learned over the years so much anyway, input got me myself have changed. Only I had no idea where it should go professional. Design, art and graphic things I had initially written off because I was the year before failed in the entrance examination for a design study.

In that time I had also purchased the new album from White Cross , with the first not liked, because there are far too soft for my taste was. But since I had bought it now before, I heard it from me again. Maybe I'd still enjoy putting.

And then unexpectedly spoke by Jesus (which actually evangelistic) song "I'm asking you today " to me. It was as if Jesus himself say to me: "I will give you back the wasted years / with my hand I'll dry your tears ... "

I was comforted total, Jesus would give me the wasted years that return to take care of my future. Over the years it was always a comfort to me (much like another word that God gave me during this time. See here ). There were (and are) other matters to which I am waiting today, when I was wondering if will ever happen. I found out that it should not even have a Bible passage: "And I want you reimburse the years the locusts have eaten their income, bugs, vermin and caterpillars ." Joel, 2.25

I can do not imagine how that will ever look that Jesus returns the wasted years. In many ways that seems to be impossible ... Already joined

interesting that I just now this song will, I have not heard for years. Wonder if that means something good. In any case, I think there is still more points that appeal to me, when I need Jesus.

on this circuit nochmal der Text des ganzen Liedes:

I'm asking you today/ Whitecross
Are you lonely
Feeling no one's on your side
Are there things you think you need to hide
I've been with you, waiting from the very start
For you to open up your heart

I will give you back the wasted years
With my hand I'll dry your tears
I will give you all that you will need
Will you give your life for me

Are you hurting
Will you let me have your pain
Let me wash away the guilty stain
I am waiting for you to call my name
Then you will never be the same.

I am the door to heaven
How could you wait another day
How could you say tomorrow
When I'm askin you today

I will give you back the wasted years With my hand I'll
dry your tears
I will give you all that you will need
Will you give your life for me


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