Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Intel Xeon Vs I7 3ds Max

Little Differences IV - The educated elite

Elite ist Ansichtssache. Meiner Meinung nach ist die beste Methode, Großes hervorzubringen, den Pluralismus zu fördern. Dazu gehören auch Leute mit großen Plastikhirnen auf dem Kopf wie auf diesem Foto. Für die Schule bedeutet dies, dass jeder nach seinen Fähigkeiten gefördert werden sollte, anstatt zu versuchen, allen möglichst viel klassische Bildung einzutrichtern, die sich die meisten eh nur bis zur nächsten Klassenarbeit merken.
picture of Adam Rice under Creative Commons
The word elite in France has the cruel status , the German politicians also seem to us to do. Grandes Écoles and elite universities are a normal part of the education system . Who there was won, who was not there, get some jobs not easy. The consequence of the remoteness of the political caste people I had ever mentioned .

parade elite students also on 14 July on the Champs-Elysees and get specials in quiz shows, where they must show in their uniforms, who is the best of the best schools.

A particularly fine example of the importance of the elite in France is now thankfully history: Formerly private schools began in the morning for fifteen minutes before the lessons so that their students on the road is not interfered with the mob. On the effectiveness of the measure can be safely arguing, but it was probably more around the icon. And it has worked.

And simultaneously with the calls for elite in Germany is already severely punished at the school every deviation from the norm. Somehow I can not help thinking that there are not very elitist spirits who attempt just to conjure up an educated elite from the political hat.


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