Thursday, August 3, 2006

Helmet With Chin Protection

Many encounters

Today I attempted to make the people I know here in the village however and have not seen forever. First was my friend from elementary school René, whose mother had told my grandparents that he currently in the land. I'm So after our lunch there, and his mother has me put up, but she had to tell me that he was on the way and only for lunch would be back ("I eat at twelve," not other families).

Then I say by the arisen showers zurückgestapft again (the house is just over 100 m, was then, especially with shield) and had my grandfather been a pleasure, as I with him on VHS dubbed Super-8 films I watched. Unfortunately, my grandfather, the habit of commenting more in detail who is to viewing (which you will quickly find themselves) and who is already dead by the sighted to friends (which seems morbid) but no stories and anecdotes to tell about the images (which would be interesting).

the morning I had already spent way to teach him how to deal with the new video recorder. The view can show, which will lead to the original idea to also my grandpa to program recordings. Unfortunately, we came to the approximately two hours does not go beyond the direct recording of the current program. Each computer should be once in a lifetime my grandfather with the operation of technical equipment have stated. Then you can see user interfaces with different eyes.

albeit a VCR or to a real disaster was when it came to that. In parts of the menu was one Hoch-/Runtertasten with the up and down, in others it has adjusted to the values and the other designated Left / Right moves the cursor up and down. Bravo, because surely someone has sat for hours at the desk. But as I said, until this trip over I do not even come with my grandpa. The name of the video recorder manufacturer I have not noticed, unfortunately, but he was not very big turn somewhere. Sometimes no-name is thus not so the true. After the films were

then Black Forest cake from my grandma, after we had our first cake of Tuesday already destroyed. Yummy! 've Eaten four pieces. Previously I probably know this through a half a cake at once plastered, but it is probably not getting any younger.

then I am in bright sunshine back to Rene and this time has long no one put up and then his father, who has always radiated a pleasant comfort me and then shuffled in a bathrobe at the door, came to inform me that René would now be gone because he had unfortunately had a date, but that he would look in on me. Well then I will wait for times when he has a gap in the calendar =)

Then I'm back home briefly over and have my grandma asked if she would object if I make a part of the cake to the neighbors kidnapped. had with their son Jonas I invariably also a good contact when I was down here and the whole family is also very pleasant and cultured. My grandfather hates them, but unlike my grandmother, who can restrict them you really good relationship with the neighbor, I was pretty damn. So I have three pieces over worn cake and met Jonas' mother just outside the door where they removed the growth from the gutter to the curb because they did not want to give the shame of last year, had cleaned out the neighbor from across their entire channel . Only on the honorable mention he had to wait a long time because they were not aware of it. I would not have noticed it now, that looked like one half of the gutter already different than the others, but I'm probably not simply the right neighbors had.

Jonas was not expected there, but we have talked a long while, very nice and the cake came as expected, good.

I am then straight to the third and last station to a friend who also dates back to elementary school and I had not seen for more than René. Benedict lived in the village at the top and I had forgotten how steep is the Hunsrück. At least compared to Bielefeld and Paris even more so. I am glad that I was in Germany with sports begin.

Then I made a totally unexpected little boy, which was already visible in the running of the steps behind the closed door. I was prepared not now, but the little it was probably quite used entirely to meet strangers at the door and asked me first in with a gesture. An invitation to the parents I would have preferred, but what the heck. Down the hall in the living room I saw adults and awkwardly asked, "Uh, is Benedict there?" Whereupon a somewhat awkward "No ... But first come in! "was launched. "Yes, I ... uh, first pull the shoes off. "It had to do that is as always, take off your shoes at the door.

I then met with Benedict Mother and his father, a tiny mini baby had on her arm. They thought about my name still vague, but my face did not. Then came yet Benes sister stormed out of the kitchen and the mother asked first whether they could still classify me. I returned the scrutiny nervously into the camera as a biometric control grinned and thought to myself was, "Benedict has a sister?" Well, probably not only that, but thanks to her, and two nephews. For heaven's sake. And it looked not much older than I am. Just as transsexual women are trapped in a male body or vice versa, I'm in a body to old prisoner. All around me have families and things like that because I do not come on it clear. Maybe that's just because that my school was screwed up socially so, but I feel like I had slept through a decade.

was any event, the very small child only three weeks old, at least according to his mother. His brother put a vehement opposition and said it would have been four, but I think just about the mother in the case. I assume that it has since the insistent reminders.

We have determined a half hours then sat there and talked, and I found out that Benedict is currently in Asia, the Silk Road by bicycle to reproduce long, starting in Tajikistan, the goal is on the goodwill of the Chinese border. Passes of 4,000 meters - I hope he is not doping. Perhaps he will be Gutweiler when I come down here again in October, that would be really nice. But until then I was once a part of his family to know a little bit better. Also very nice, interesting and above all pleasant people. And I remember that I used to envy Benedict as early as the context in which it is grown.

On the way out, I have my course again put on my shoes I had taken off in the old habit of coming clean and Benes father asked gently, if it had been with them earlier so common I would have done so automatically. Actually, they would demand that their guests not more so, but he himself would have been so confused in the beginning that he would have said anything. I had to smile very much:) Somehow it

visit but have a very strange and exciting feeling, not as places visited and people again. This is a very special thrill of memories and this "What has changed?" Expectation. And that, I had a lot of those days.

On the way back, I then also Jonas' father met and talked briefly with him. All in all, a very beautiful and eventful day, even if I hoped none of the People have encountered.

PS: Ha, and Benes was sister to school together with a Bielefeld times and therefore knew the city a bit. And her friend was on the same high school as me. Hammer a small world!

Addendum: falls to the VCR cause me even more: The consistent substitution in the Trier area "taking" of by "get" applies not only to the collection of weight with a diet ("table just last week 10 pounds have picked up ") and neologisms such as" mitholen "but as I now had to listen, even to catch up on TV shows. Interestingly, there are nonetheless still "shots" and no "catching up" or the like. Nevertheless, I would like to hear Trier times a historian, even if the honey produced as follows: ". This fort was gathered during its history, not once," I think it is now possible.

second Addendum: I was made aware that the last sentence is at least ambiguous in parentheses of the first paragraph. I quote, not the poor mother of my friend but the Heinz Becker in the television series almost the same. For my grandma is associated with sometimes frightening punctuality at the stroke of twelve the clock food on the table added. In the form I know the other just only from television. And it was always like that I went after lunch and then just Réne reinrasselte in their lunch time.


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