Monday, March 7, 2011

Disability For Adenomyosis

Fuck you but yourself, you ass!

Bought A Car With Plates On It Ontario

And she documented her self destruction!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Campbell Snow Chain Installation

Drawings from the old days IV

© Copyright 1996 by
When I started years ago training as a administrative assistant at the City of Munich , I did an internship in the registry office in the street Mandl. A beautiful villa-like building, right on the Eisbach and the English garden is located. My job was in the instrument department.

I really really liked it there, so I have drawn the room, he looked like a few hundred years could. Meanwhile, the registrar's offices in Munich, are organized differently. When I was recently at the registry office in the KVR, I saw my drawing on the wall. Of the Kollgen, with whom I was working, but no one could see ...

© Copyright 1990 by

When I was at home in Naila, played with a friend and classmate in a brass band. I then wanted to have a logo that they printed it on sweatshirts and were wearing at their performances. Unfortunately, this is just a copy.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

After Conception Cervical Mucus

drawings from the old days: Bears

© Copyright 1990 by

What one does not do anything if you actually draw something. Back in school to the college level, a friend asked me if I draw him a few bears could ...

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Nordictrack Audiorider R4000 Power Supply

drawings from the old days III

is time again for a few drawings, comics and cartoons from the old days. I thought I'd get a few found objects dug out. Have fun!
© 1996 Copyright by

If I remember right, I drew this cartoon of David to the day when it was clear that my civil service career was finally failed. Since I also did not have to learn for the exams, which has so released me, that I immediately made 3 drawings.
The idea for this cartoon I did for years in my head, I finally had him put to paper. From that day I have always signed my work with Jocky . Before, I had another shortcut.

Copyright © 1996 by

God gives us so many promises, he promises us so much. We are his children, even royal children. The table is set on full, why do we not then access around and moan to?

Copyright © 1996 by

However, sometimes you have to let go a few things to receive something else can, which is probably much more valuable.

Copyright © 1996 by

a friend I was then a student of theology. For a meeting invitation I've drawn this cartoon. In the event the issue should be discussed if our mind is like the fall too, so if he is sick or healthy. come on what ideas theologians Sun If the whole world was swept away by the Fall, why of all people the sense of it should be left unmolested?

Here I have drawn for the first time my little man, whom I have given then the name Geneva bands ", the item has given the name, much later gone. Very often I will sign any cards yet with the Mannschkerl.

Copyright © 1996 by

From the early days of the Jesus freaks. Here it was hotly debated whether one should be tattooed as a Christian. Even though I'm not a fan of tattoos myself and realize a certain addiction tendency, I think it is funny that God himself tattooed:

" can forget a woman her child that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? and whether they may forget, yet will I not forget thee. See, in the hands I've drawn up. " Isaiah 49:15 +16

At that time, the mothers have tattooed the names of their children on the hand so they would not forget them when working. Although mothers still their children would sometimes forget, God is saying that he has tattooed our names in His hand that we want him always in mind and He will at least not forgotten.

" This is to say," I am the Lord, "and that will be called by the name" Jacob. "And another is in his hand writing" To the Lord "and is owned by the name" Israel "are mentioned . " Jesja 44.5

© 1996 Copyright by

Even though I am not a smoker and find it actually quite disgusting, I'm often impressed by the creativity of cigarette advertising. Thus, this small tribute was very close ...

If you look closely recognizes, nor my old signature. long

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Midgets As Bowling Pins

The Saxons Party: 'S was never all bad ...

ago, spent some time as another axis in our flat, we were invited to a special celebration of the Saxons party.

She was dedicated to this particular state, there was a quiz, a test where they blindfolded Nudossi of Nutella had to differ (test subjects failed miserably). Was a fabulous thing ...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Quality Process Audit Checklist

Post Impressions VII

What now?

Monday, February 21, 2011

How Much Are Struts For A Celica

Cool interview on Bayern 3 Fantastic with Martin Dreyer

Martin Dreyer, the founder of the Jesus Freaks, author of the recently Volxbibel a brilliant interview on the program " man, Otto! " Bayern 3 has been on the radio. It's so awesome to hear how he says of Jesus, "Jesus rocks ! " presents his new book and also a bit about his life. Very charming, very inspiring and well above all listen.

Here is the download link: click

Connecting 2009 Sony Dvpsr200p

Regio weekend at the JF Bad Neustadt

I was here last weekend with some friends from the community in Bad Neustadt at the local Jesus freaks (they are better under its old name of Jesus Freaks Wollbach known). The car we had rented us was indeed quite small, but I was glad that we did not need to travel by train.

The Jesus Freaks Wollbach have only been recently, and I always wanted to visit me, to preach there. As my job as a postman can not be much room, there was yet nothing came of it. All the more, I was pleased that it is now has finally worked and we were there for an entire weekend.

On Friday night, Richard has also preached in church that God loves our bodies and we therefore can not win a different attitude to him. Afterwards, Matt has served us with a very cool time of worship, beautiful music with which we worship God and could come with him to rest. could

I was very happy that I stay with people at home and enjoy a shower in the morning and did not have to kip in the rooms.

Saturday during the day then I have held a workshop . In the morning we went first to the Holy Spirit and to his work. I have raved about him and invited to lose the fear and dread of him. The call came after some initial hesitation, but a whole lot of people who were praying for themselves.

One thing inspires me at the Wollbach / Bad Neustadt: very young teens of 15 years, some twenty-somethings and a few adults are there together in peace. Such bandwidth, should there be in a minority of freaks.

was the afternoon, then take the gift of prophecy . Just like in the morning I told my personal story with the theme, because I believe that as people find perhaps can. In addition, people notice that I have started off small. I told them what the Bible says about the issue that God likes to talk with us because he is a God of relationship. Then, it was important, how he speaks to us today as we can see his speeches and gave practical examples.

Then it was important for me to give people the opportunity to try out in practice. So we have divided small groups, where everyone should get prayer. Then everyone should pass on what he had heard personally from God. When I was however very tough. But I could already see some good points with a little practice and encouragement, there can certainly be more of it.

Afterwards I have not had a good conversation, I learned from other participants that they have received impressions that they have raised, some were really touched.

evening was then a big party at the youth center. The Jesus Freaks Wollbach celebrated namely 5-year anniversary. Some bands were invited, others were allowed to report on the spontaneous and open stage. The room was packed really well, had been ne good mood. The music was also very cool.

On Sunday there was still a donut Regio, a meeting Jesus Freaks groups from Bavaria. There was a brief worship time and a really good input from Metal Mark that it is important that we give our faith further and that the motivation is not really all that important, the main thing we share our faith with others.

There were good discussions about the Jesus Freaks Germany, Bayern website that will give it soon. At the end was not told in short, just as the various groups and communities shall pass. When we then left for Munich, we had a really cool weekend behind us, although of course it was exhausting. Happy to be back soon!

Where To Buy Self Piercing Earrings

picture puzzle: What is it?

© Copyright 2011 by

Thursday, February 17, 2011

3rd Birthday Princess Invitation Wording

Post Impressions VI

fall course as well as other Potimpressionen out there when I carried my cell phone photos forests. Since I did not do so now longer, which is again a colorful cross-section through the seasons. Then I will feel a bit sad when it is clear now that my time at Deutsche Post later than the end of March is over.
green and red in the light-dark contrast had to be photographed, even to this red dab ...

So a rain can also have something positive ... Drip ...

I love the autumn and its variety of colors.

New flowers in October. Where is there such a thing? Nice touch of color!

Now I have to go a little longer to get into the first house, where it's warm ...

Yes, for now ... Easter? In December?

Whether IKEA probably absorb this wonderful Eiskristalllampen in their program. Import from Narnia!

Whether the Caps probably the ears warm enough?

Watchful dog, yes, yes.

sun on snow has what

Winter Impressions at the post

It's no fun when the moon rises again, and it threatens to be dark before you return. Part-time job?