Sunday, December 19, 2010

How To Sew In With A Side Bang

The last worship: Very cool

Now I want to quickly tell from the last church services. They were really pretty cool. A week ago I was again to preach it. Actually I had planned a different topic. But the night before our last prayer team, someone had a prophetic dream on the town, of course we have discussed in detail at this meeting and bebetet.

And I thought it would be well to talk about the interpretation of dreams. I think some interesting aspects found. Writing about his own sermons, is always difficult because you do not know how great people have arrived. I've been getting some nice comments though, so it seems to be okay.

were on that day the Lingenfelder to praise it. It was always hard as departing here and a lead in the presence of God. But this time it was really special. Full of hammers, like those who have left, full of passion and fervor. Matt has to some electronic beats and sounds crafted. And it was a real experience, the people are gone with full and applauded (which is no (more) with us!). Finally, clamoring for an encore. People, that must have been heard or seen, can not describe it!

have Afterwards I still talk to Matt, that really still the prophetic part with reinsollte. Probably we'll meet again and even rehearse together and see how it flows together. Is determined completely cool!

was yesterday then now the quiet after-show party after the jesus birthday on Saturday. Some people had snacks, cookies, muffins and other treats brought. There was coffee, tea and some juices. How long we were no longer in service? Very cool.

The brothers Thomas and Stefan have made a very chilled out and groovy worship. Very comfortable, relaxing, arrive at Papa in heaven. Bea has read out a super hot, very contemplative text. It was about a conversation with God, as God looks at our mess, but do not scold, but as we will help you clean up ...

I had a few people comment. One is for blatantly fully popped. Very nice, when God speaks and people affected.


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