Friday, December 31, 2010

Covering A Rabbit Cage

deep snow white Christmas in the Franconian Forest

long time I've written anything, so it is again time for a small journal. Last weekend was indeed Christmas and I was unfortunately only for the holidays in winter Frankenwald.

all long always looking for white Christmas, many times we've annoyed us that it has not worked out again. But when one sees such quantities of snow, then often you might do it again. My home is so often called Bavarian Siberia, so we are certain amounts of snow already used to. But This year was really hard, so much snow I have seldom seen. Some did not know everything you know where to put the snow. The mountains were part of a standing person.

for a Christmas service I trudged through deep snow drifts. Boy oh boy, here I would not want to see by bike ...

To give you a little picture of snow, I'm even a little bit trudged toward the forest. Unfortunately, it was very hazy and you could not see far. That would have been a beautiful view, deep into the snowy forest francs.

I am amazed again and again, used to stand at this Point no houses have been interesting as the city grows Sun

narrow streets and high snow mountains

The icicles are impressive too.

Anyone for a little picnic lunch outdoors? Mulled wine to remember!

I've never posted pictures of my parents' house, I quickly made a few snapshots. Here I have spent most of my childhood. My room, however, was in the attic out on the other side.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

How To Sew In With A Side Bang

The last worship: Very cool

Now I want to quickly tell from the last church services. They were really pretty cool. A week ago I was again to preach it. Actually I had planned a different topic. But the night before our last prayer team, someone had a prophetic dream on the town, of course we have discussed in detail at this meeting and bebetet.

And I thought it would be well to talk about the interpretation of dreams. I think some interesting aspects found. Writing about his own sermons, is always difficult because you do not know how great people have arrived. I've been getting some nice comments though, so it seems to be okay.

were on that day the Lingenfelder to praise it. It was always hard as departing here and a lead in the presence of God. But this time it was really special. Full of hammers, like those who have left, full of passion and fervor. Matt has to some electronic beats and sounds crafted. And it was a real experience, the people are gone with full and applauded (which is no (more) with us!). Finally, clamoring for an encore. People, that must have been heard or seen, can not describe it!

have Afterwards I still talk to Matt, that really still the prophetic part with reinsollte. Probably we'll meet again and even rehearse together and see how it flows together. Is determined completely cool!

was yesterday then now the quiet after-show party after the jesus birthday on Saturday. Some people had snacks, cookies, muffins and other treats brought. There was coffee, tea and some juices. How long we were no longer in service? Very cool.

The brothers Thomas and Stefan have made a very chilled out and groovy worship. Very comfortable, relaxing, arrive at Papa in heaven. Bea has read out a super hot, very contemplative text. It was about a conversation with God, as God looks at our mess, but do not scold, but as we will help you clean up ...

I had a few people comment. One is for blatantly fully popped. Very nice, when God speaks and people affected.

Leather Jacket Nicolas Cage Wore In Family Man

genius jesus birthday party

Yesterday she was at last, our long awaited and highly anticipated jesus birthday party. I do not know, somehow, our previous parties of this kind always different, but really it was always a cult. And so we could again be excited, as this time would be.

I had to work during the day, it was quite long, so I really had no nerves at all to go somewhere. But for reasons mentioned above, then I pulled myself up at last.

And so I came to then, when the party was in full swing. The first band I missed, I can not say anything about it. But it was cool to be there.

The location itself was already very special times: A Washsalon and cafe in a very cool device. It was quite full, many guests were from outside the community there. One could also see some familiar faces that had not long since ...
There was a nice buffet with finger food, who would have thought that things could be so tasty.

A very specific idea of the gifts was flea market. Anyone could bring anything that he could not use what other things but could give someone joy. So everyone got to dig in the colorful variety of things and take charge something that pleased him.

A few words I would now like to get rid of the band that I was able to experience yet. "Same Same Here" is the new band of Eifertzwillinge. Really cool, chill music. You have really managed to create an atmosphere where you at the concert could well leave, but in the background could also be entertained. Very groovy, catchy music. I always say, music to fly ...

One must be very excited for the upcoming album. 'm Really curious to hear more from the band and see. After the concert was still running electronic music. Not normally my thing, but this music was really cool.

I had some cool conversations, enjoyed the evening very much. Although I was very tired, I'm up to the end remained. It has been proven time and again: jesus birthday party is genuine cult. Taste for more! Thanks for all those who organized this brilliant event, to all who took part.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Money Tree For Birthday Poem

I need to change because what again.

one years wasted on alcohol. I do not want.
Today I accidentally found what really keeps me alive.
I thought I was dead, but suddenly there were quite a lot of spark of life.
And I will not get rid of this feeling.

a small to-do list so I can start:
(X) more pictures
(failed) Minolta repair
() 8 kg
remove () in the correct blog
(X) cleaning out my room
(X) remove negative stupid
(X) in my old friends again Report
breathe ().

wish me luck (:

Friday, December 3, 2010

What Happened To A Stock Called Java

Welcome back to her fucking mind

Friday, November 26, 2010

Program To Record Ps3 Gameplay

prophetic art: Love Flow + New Day

At the seminar last week a few more pictures were taken. The first arose during a prophetic song in praise.
© 2010 Copyright by

God pours his love in heaven from us. I saw it as a love flow like liquid honey herfließen from the sky. This came to us and we were able to receive and give his love and ...

© 2010 Copyright by
The seminar has inspired me so I drew a picture that I got years ago on a prayer evening in a FreaksWG then. It shows a rooster that stands proudly in full awareness of its beauty and dignity. A healthy pride, self-consciousness! He crowed like a herald, announcing the dawn of a new day. One very special new day, namely the day on which the king comes back. The King! The Second Coming is imminent, it is a new day. Get ready!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Tattoo Of Pebbles The Cartoon

Prophetic Seminar + Visit to Austria

Last week happened a lot. At first I was at the seminar " Prophetic Signs of the Times "to the Stefan Driess recognize invited had. Then I spent a few days in Austria from a friend. Favorably, I could ride with the friend who picked me up directly in Munich and so I had to not ride care.

The seminar was held in Bietigheim Bissingen (was it not then the pop band "Camouflage" come from?) in a Christian youth club instead. I was very glad I did not sleep in the dormitory had but a single (even better, that this is also my wallet did not care). Overall, the house has fallen to me much better than on the Hubmersberg. It was much cheaper and I have more to Home and welcome than felt there.

The praise was already very cool. The "small cast," Stefan had asked for, turned out as a complete band with 2 keyboards, drums and percussion, and two background singers, was very prophetic and anointed. The room was packed and I felt a little cramped. Very nice, was that some friends of past seminars were there.

Bishop Dr. Bill Hamon of America spoke on the first night of the "Third Reformation " which has already begun. When Jesus came to earth, he has begun the first Reformation, to show mankind how they can live with God. Over the centuries, the church lost the power and impact of the early church. Then Martin Luther came with the 2nd Reformation win, and the revelation that "the just shall live by faith." Then every century a further truth has been restored. From the middle of last century this happened then every 10 years. Have much in what our forefathers fought long is natural for us! on

than 31 October 2007 the 95 Theses of Martin Luther 490 years ago was (7 x 70 weeks!), Came together three prophets in Wittenberg, with the 3rd Reformation and Reformation last usher. Now, would begin the era of the saints in all new motor would go out "to restore all things" (Whether one can now accurately determine write on this date, I'm not sure. The fact is that you can feel for a long time that something powerful new in the air is that the world as We know change is huge)

Thursday morning I was able to serve at breakfast to anyone else. It was really inspiring, that prayer and the subsequent impression led to a real release. I think it's cool if impressions not only trigger a nod at the opposite, but if something significant happens.

the morning then added Sharon Stone from England, which I already knew from the Prophets Conference , saying the seminar in Hubmersberg the prophetic sign of our times, for it is very important to know where we stand now, so we know what we are and what we imminent. And I must say that I was really excited. There are these sermons, where affirmative nods and agrees. And then there's this, where something is done in spirit and in space. I constantly had tears in my eyes because I was so touched, of course, because even some confirmed what I see so spiritually and what I've been waiting a long time!

Sharon spoke of a time that we come out, where we had to endure a lot of pressure, where it was scraping the barrel. But God has this pressure admitted to us that was also visible in the world (the pressure that was seen in the oil reserves in the Gulf of Mexico), so that when we passed the test, we are capable of the severity of glory to carry God and endure, in which he will lead us.

But God speaks to us, that we have passed the test if it is only some simply because we have persevered and kept going. As a springboard for the sermon Sharon used the scripture from Jeremiah 12.5 " If it makes you tired to go with pedestrians, as it is you go if you want to run with horses? "God was going to step up the pace, so it is important that we also adapt this speed. The good news is that God is accelerating the pace that things just happen faster, faster to succeed, not as long as needed. The goes for the not so good things. That is why it is very important that we be careful what we touch and what not. The fact that we get rid of the things that concern us and to discourage what God has for us, actually (and there goes is not just about sin!)

Many of us may have already determined that the funds have helped us so far, not work to get a breakthrough. Therefore, it is important that God gives us new weapons for this phase. Sharon and her husband have found that it is good for them if they spend a certain time each day in worship and pray for half an hour in languages. These things we can do so even in passing, but they found it important to do that with full focus on God.

The larva has now transformed into a butterfly, but we have to fight out of the cocoon. Let us not judge the time before us with the standards and disappointments of the past, because before us is an entirely new phase. Now we run with the horses, now we fly!

the afternoon, Sharon brought in a few short exercises that we had been extensively practiced in June at the seminar. Interestingly, one for me in a very dramatic way: " teaching, teach, teach " I should seek God and His word, to teach with authority can. And teach more often. Later she saw me surrounded by many young people, which I have taught. Let's see how I can implement the Sun

evening there was a Bill Hamon on the conditions of the Third Reformation. He has often asked Jesus why God does not stop wiederherszustellen. Why he does not come back easily? But there are some Bible passages where certain events are associated with a condition "to . Until the restoration of all things. The apostles and Martin Luther did not know where it would lead all the impact it would have. We also do not have the luck. We can see a door that is open. what is behind what is on the way, we can not see. But we have to go through the door, Jesus then shows us how it goes.

Friday morning we drove to Austria. My friend Thomas, a married couple and me. I had been constantly under the impression that the couple should pray for. Thought that the chance would be over. But when we had dinner at a rest stop something, the opportunity arose. My friend had a headache and when I prayed for healing for him (the pain was gone!), I jumped at the chance. I did not at all, would go where prayer. But the impression I had then met, quite on target. It was about the invitation to go in areas, in which they had locked themselves because negative things had happened. In the car, then we have prayed more and she went a step toward God, was getting back into the area. The present, the power of God was there.

I was very happy that I think Friend was able to visit again in Austria. In particular, I've obviously been looking forward to the little Lea . We had a very cool time together. I was well looked after, with good food, good and had intimate conversations with my friend. On Saturday we visited the Jesus Freaks in Vienna. Klaus is an old friend from the old town of Tom.

It was very nice to see Klaus and Ramona in her new apartment, to eat delicious pancakes and to be entertained. In the evening we went to their rooms genius to gather to worship. Being here is clearly the focus was on worship.
addition to good conversations, I could still result an impression of someone praying. I thought I had a déjà vu. It was already a thing was not entered into from certain fears. Very nice as Thomas and I have added in our common service.

It was a really moving long weekend, which I will not soon forget and I will certainly employ ne long time.