Friday, July 28, 2006

How Do U Get Into The Giza Pyramid

you to prison. Go straight there. Do not adjust the lot. Pay no warning penalty.

Was schon in Monopoly nicht lustig ist, dürfte im echten Leben auf wenig Verständnis stoßen: Gefängnis für einen kleinen Fehltritt. After the Copyright Act yes under DADVSI legislative initiative called here in France right from the government to a music-industry lobby law with a few token consumer laws points out was defaced, it comes now, thanks to the Constitutional Council really big. The fact also emphasizes the same points and alibi can only return customers right desert. Let us hope that this commentator the Heise Forum is right to write that the law was in this form completely impractical and thus accelerate the path to global license only would. This increased pressure on a decision between either and or sees the Socialist deputy Christian Paul: "This shows that there never was a third way between legalization and punishment," he told Ratiatum (via PC INpact ). "The downloads will continue, without remuneration for rights holders," added the member of the National Assembly added yet regretfully.

Pirates ye be warned! Der zweite Teil des Karibikklassikers ist in Frankreich noch nicht angelaufen, da wimmeln die Straßen schon von echten Piraten. Und die haben nichts anderes als einen kurzen Prozess verdient. Also the blog Groupe Reflect (via TF1 ) welcomes this clarification as the basis for a future consumer-friendly legislation: "Basically, the Constitutional Council only finally did his job mean the herummäandernden to criticisms of legal text will again just moved. Stop the tinkering to mitigate the errors of the draft to venture without a new beginning, end with a DADVSI light , welcome to coercion and force against the users of digital media, technical innovation and the entire software world. [...] Now it is the statements by the Minister of Culture to be seen what he intends to do (in my opinion, nothing) and, above all, we are in discussions before the next presidential elections, which will develop a broad social debate. " (Translation by me with the major redrafting in order to get the meaning.)

The Figaro also harbors "no doubt that this issue will be worn in the upcoming presidential election" in order for there to to ensure votes of young voters as they were accustomed to a free network. Let's hope that whatever the outcome of these elections, according to a slowdown in Audionautes "toughest rules the world" leads. And who knows, maybe then yes, the global Licence but not quite yet off the table.

However, the law now first published directly in the French Journal Officiel and is in force until further notice in this scaled down form, without another round through parliament. And the presidential elections, is hoping for the so-are also the first in May 2007. Let's see what the up there are.

PS: Heading pirated from New Dimension FR .

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Mouth Stinks Like Smoke


What a pity that I can take any pictures, but that would probably not be over anyway. Here is just a storm raged, I have never experienced not so. It started with a pitch-black sky, then came to wind was so strong that he has swept away not only all that had not been grown, but also a cloud of dust from the parking lot swirled outside my window has, which grew and grew, I soon has clouded the view onto the neighboring house, and finally I bit on sand. I live in the fourth Floor! Then came even more amazing lightning and rain at last. The temperature has dropped within 10 minutes to 5 degrees. Now, after more than 10 degree temperature drop everything calmed down. My grandmother and I, we looked at the great spectacle from the kitchen window and I bung times now my laptop back to the stream.

Cheat Engine For Facebook Cubefield

Paris Plage and Le Tour Techsupport

Ein spielendes Kind unter einem Brumisateur. Das Foto habe ich durch Zufall gefunden, nachdem ich mich kurz vorher darüber geärgert habe, dass es keine CC-Bilder zu Paris Plage auf flickr gab. Just-in-time-Uploading quasi. Vielen Dank an Olivier Daaram, der in seinem Stream noch viele weitere Bilder zu Paris Plage hat.
picture of Olivier Daaram under Creative Commons
Today I was a first look at Paris Plage throw. That sounds While on purpose as a seaside resort called Paris, but is a relatively new regular summer event in the city of Paris will be locked out for a month, a bank of the Seine for cars and pedestrians will be opened. At the same palm trees, green areas, sandy strip Brumisateurs (spray), and even a swimming pool be built. Especially the Brumisateurs are very cool. I can not jump directly below, but also in the environment, it is cool and also it's fun zuzugucken for people to refresh and the kids play. They have the refreshing seems somehow not as necessary because they rumgehüpft elsewhere like mad on trampolines are. For over 30 degrees and then stood still in the blazing sun. I could even shoot all of the no photos, so I left after the Fnac.

I had proposed the "Nikon Support" (sic ) to mean that the camera I can easily bring the product to a certified dealer Niko to the known problem is repaired, among other things my camera model then. After a Warteschlangenodyssee multiple switch but then I found out that the Fnac, the repair very well, but just something for a hundred euros. Yes, of course, continue dreaming. So I find out now that I can make this thing or do it yourself on the road again . Send

Speaking expensive, I wanted in the Fnac then buy the Tsotsi soundtrack, but the cost appears as just as it did at the Amazon 20 €. Haha, good joke. I would have found half still overpriced. Somewhere diverge certain ideas. I do not claim now that the 15 €, which costs the CD too much, go completely in lobbying against piracy, but I can also imagine that it all goes into the exploration and promotion of young artists. Then came better music on the radio!

I then by a wonderful coincidence right next to the Soundtrack to the children of Monsieur Mathieu found that I eh still on my list to get the music being had what I would have at the moment but not more aware of my own accord. € Six and a few crushed. Was purchased)

PS: They say that one should somehow be limited in order to make better photos. For example, only instead of using a focal length to zoom continuously. As of today I have such limitations: 28mm, Hyperfokaldistanz , f10, 1 / 125 second, ISO 100, 36 images. It must be masterpieces;)

Does A Plantar Wart Have A Big Hole

Despite everything I've promised you, nor the report of the Tour de France. After so my hopes were disappointed that this tour would directly streak past the corner, I've looked at the start with my grandma on television where you had a wonderful helicopter view of the Parc de Sceaux . After the drivers are then kicked into regions, the two of us said anything, I sat in the metro and went to the Champs-Élysées. When I was there again to the surface, all hell broke loose. I was just out of there come when the stands were built to make the vision possible podium finish line and only chosen one. These chosen ones, I was also once, in the year, won in the Jan Ullrich.

This time I had to fight but with the other through the crowd. Already several cars of the publicity caravan had built up between Grand and Petit Palais and created a festival atmosphere, so that the amount by which I had, was pretty exhausting. I went long in the stands behind first, because I simply wanted the Champs-Elysees should stay on until I would be a good place to pass me by. Stupid way but was then at the other end of the grandstands closed everything, so I could traipse their way completely back and then down to the Seine, had to order the banks to continue to come into the Place de la Concorde. I then but not the first opportunity exploited me at this place building, but wanted to see if the Jardin des Tuileries, which is located inside of the circuit was locked or not. I am therefore of the Seine further followed up to the Passerelle Solferino, where there is a passage under the road through the Tuileries. The garden is bordered by elevated walkways, so you would then have a great view in a pleasant environment on the eight-time orbit. And to my great joy there were indeed many people, but I could still easily crimped with first in the series.

have this nice I talk to an American next to me had the Ukrainian parents, was born in Germany and lived there until she was eight and now in New York City lives. Unfortunately, she could see any German anymore, just a little Ukrainian, so I was forced again to me, how bad my English has become here. She said though, it would be very good, but I begged to differ, especially in comparison with before. However, it has meant the notion that Americans do not speak languages, Should that fully, and they'd speak only Ukrainian, because their parents have continued to entertain at home with her on it. She also said that the French would now speak really good English, with no comparison a few years ago.

We had to wait a while until the driver finally arrived, and they probably already have four more hours stood, because their friends thought that Währe necessary. Well, at least they were so still can pick up a few chairs, standing around in Paris gardens so often times for free use.

And then came racing in them, nor all in one box, and quite a few, so not so soon were over, as I had remembered it. Of course I do not forget to make a few photos and tatataaa! Here the challenge to your pattern recognition. Who first discovered that cyclists can look forward very doll:

Wie Marcel so schön sagte: „Andere Leute bezahlen viel Geld für solche Effekte!” Das musste ich also doch ausnutzen. Das Problem ist nur, die Fahrradfahrer zu finden auf diesem Bild.
It happened then some, a small group took off and was caught again, but probably know those who have been following the Tour on TV, better than me, because I could not afford a costly augmented reality system that fades the little arrows on the driver, I was indeed close, but ill-informed. Where was I got out of the metro, although there was a large canvas, but I was finally came not extra to the tour but then to watch on TV. I know not whether the poor pigs have been shown on television, which have lost their connection to the peloton and just before the finish. But they were nonetheless cheered vigorously by viewers, that was quite nice. The American has been done to their friends on the way before even completed all the orbits were. I was then pushed back at least a bit of room, after previously so easy to ask an asshole without me next to nonexistent in the gap, so that I could put my left arm on the existing nor part of the barrier fences. As I pee, unfortunately, not on building walls, more people say to his face: "I was first here, you disturb, fuck off" to my station mark and the guy was absolutely resistant to any subtle way to convey to him that he undesirable, I had to hold are uncomfortable. Others were bold by even more screaming loudly when a police officer picks up a discarded water bottle of a driver, were a few people a little further from me removed, and those who have got not a single bottle. The police have given the increasingly young children or young women, which was greeted with applause from the audience. I'm still at home a hat from a Tour de France cyclists. Which is also at least only with sweat and not angelüllert;)

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Having An Erection During A Physical

anecdote from the supermarket

Mmmmmh! Ein Schokoladentörtchen mit Schokoladencrème obendrauf. Lecker! :q
picture of chotda under Creative Commons
I was now just water supplies and must tell you about the friendly man with behavioral problems, has spoken to me in the supermarket at the checkout. First, he has only missed the fact that open the yet mal ne new plan should, but when I went again jumped briefly on the refrigerated shelves, a pack to get chocolate ice cream, he asked interested: "Oh, that's good, the chocolate ice cream? I know only the pistachio ice cream, which is very tasty, "I said then that the chocolate ice cream, in fact, would also be very good, whereupon he said." Yeah, chocolate is generally very tasty. I love chocolate. I used to here in front of the panels purchased. At least two euros per day I spent on chocolate! But I've got like pimples, here by the hand to up here, the was really uncomfortable ... But ... I finally stopped not because of the hands but for the teeth! From one day to the other were full of holes! "Oh, that must have been hard, but where he liked chocolate so. And when going out, he then said finally, "Tuck into the ice ... But watch out for is "I have thanked me and had to smile pretty!)

Monday, July 24, 2006

Prepaid Runescape Card Pins

The call of which I hoped he would never come.

I'm here to tell started, so here, the end would not like it should be: My cousin died today of complications from severe burns. I still can not quite grasp. Damn arms company to kill, not only in Lebanon but also my family. Apart from general sensitivity towards weapons, I can not imagine that because someone has violated his duty to educate about the dangers of the substances. But that will clarify the police and Frédéric brings no prison sentence back. Such a shit.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Is A 30 Lumen Projector Good?

The Cradle of Humanity

Hauptfigur Tsotsi am Anfang des Films. was finally shown here also Tsotsi in the cinemas after even before he won the Oscar the Trailer was. Not nice this game but I could look at him I finally legally and my long anticipation was not disappointed. Wherein the film has to do with joy really only in passing, he is initially quite difficult to digest. But it's worth it anyway.

Dieses Bild bitte großklicken. Tsotsi mit seiner Gang vor seiner rostigen Wellblechhütte, die auf dem Dach eines anderen Hauses gebaut ist und im Hintergrund der Blick über den riesigen Slum. Und dabei wunderschön. First of all, I love it when a film of ugly things beautiful pictures shows. And this is absolutely necessary, by the aesthetics of the images are more impressive than the lives of every child-in- Africa document. Is accompanied throughout by a great soundtrack ( taste ) consisting of and other South African Kwaito music. A nice local flavor comes but especially by language. The film is subtitled throughout (I hope also in Germany) and the languages are spoken Afrikaans, English and especially Tsotsitaal , the bizarre mixed together South African street slang.

Tsotsi später im Film. Auch als jemand, der den Film nicht gesehen hat, dürfte man schon auf den ersten Blick den Sympathiegewinn erkennen. If one considers the history on a combination of a ruthless gangster and a little cheesy for babies, I can even understand. My personal kitsch threshold has been exceeded, but never, I found the character development and well-motivated and understand the end neither Hollywood nor was it too much plate E-culture-drama on protagonist shooting dead a nice history against a thrilling background would be ideal ... what more could you want?

Do Dvr Records Count Towards Ratings

Ah, shit wat ne nee,!

Boh man, I'm so angry! Yesterday I was in Parc Departmental de l'Ile Saint-Germain (do not know whether the name is also usable NEN), which is really a nice park (located on the Seine island), but I could not enjoy it, because I was getting in the obligatory photos only crap. And I do not mean crap in the usual sense that I'm just not a good photographer, but Mist in the sense of ... see for yourself:

Hier sollte unter anderem ein Baum erkennbar sein, aber stattdessen sieht man nur einen vertikalen, vielfarbigen Schmier.
This is really terrific. Looks like I should send my camera back on the road. I'm also so desire to. And tomorrow is the Tour de France in Paris. Since I probably would have anyway no good photos done because they are too fast, the driver crap, but at least a couple of streaks would have been nice as a souvenir. Almost looks like I would get now more streaks than I like. Well, there are two hopes: one is that I'll suddenly brilliant and can use this effect for involuntary interesting photos (unlikely). The other is that the camera yesterday for a short time had a lucid moment and almost normal photos has produced. Had then what of mobile phone camera. But unfortunately I do not know how I could provoke such a lucid moment. Well, there is definitely a report in word, not containing image.