Friday, January 28, 2011

Creative 20th Birthday

planet dust - crass new electro-punk-gothic worship

For some time the new project has planetary dust Matt and Martyna Lingenfelder delights us in worship in church again. Now you can listen to these new songs finally on MySpace.


Best time you hear yourself in, because it is quite difficult to describe this new kind of music. Electro, Gothic, Punk, Rock is already out of there to listen, but do not take it anyway.

live again but of course the whole thing sounds quite different. The next opportunity is there this Sunday in our Gothic church. Cordial invitation!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Cost Efficient Hor'dourves

The Millennium trilogy on ZDF

Now you can see it at last on ZDF, the coveted Millennium strilogie. Hard to miss, all in all the posters with the avenging angel.
I had the great honor of the third volume of FORGIVENESS to get for her birthday. So I had a bit heavy in, after I clenched because everyone got to know at once that were introduced in the two volumes one by one. And I must say that I quite captivated by the story was exciting.

Sure, I look at the previous two blindness and AIR have also worried. Why do the novels (and thus the movies) in the German title, which have to do with the Swedish original and nothing quite difficult to assign content are is pretty clear. Perhaps they were the German publishing too shallow, although quite suitable. Translated it would " men who hate women ", " The girl who played with fire " and " The air lock, which was blown up " hot.
In the trilogy (which was actually created on 10 volumes, Author Stieg Larsson unfortunately died before) is less about the extraordinary magazine Millennium , but rather complex stories that have to do with the young woman Lisbeth Salander . journalist Mikael (Kalle) Blomquist main editor of the magazine is, in the first book explain the mysterious disappearance of Harriet Vanger. Lisbeth he is here to help and they get deeper and deeper into very dark machinations.
From 2 Part will be more and more to the dark mystery of the past and all sorts of unconventional girl intrigue in the background at a very large Style run.
While it was exciting and captivating entertainment, the story is interesting and profound. However, there remains a rather stale aftertaste left there. As a Christian I can to sexual morality, in all volumes not only subtle, but very strongly like a fist in the face, comes to light do not match.

Not only is the hero of the series Mikael Blomquist, with a married woman with the consent of the husband has a year-long affair (and this also stimulates the place), no increases, Kalle regularly with other women into bed. Practicing homosexuals are mentioned quite naturally, Lisbet, it sometimes leads to a woman then again with a man, her lawyer has it in between times, it's quick to jump into bed with her ... Somehow spoil the fun, the one about the whole thing.

The plot of the film is very streamlined, but the novel is quite fair. So far I can only see the first part of infatuation, very curious how the other parts are implemented.

Welcome Basket Letter

old stone rocks 2011

times is high time that I report on the teen leisure in old stone, which, like every year the second - 6.1. in YMCA recreation center near Bamberg took place. This event has a long history (although today it does not have any real name), then it was on the teen as an adult care-free time of the Charismatic Renewal in the Catholic Church Vierzehnheiligen. Meanwhile, it is supported by a range of the Body of Christ: Catholic Church, Lutherans, ICF, Jesus freaks and other Free Churches.

I was really happy that I again this year could be there (even if I had it at ridiculous times of the bed to the train to reach by 5 clock something to promptly at 10:00 for staff meeting there be).
I'm not the youngest (I have noted with dismay that I was the oldest there!), I am also this year focuses on workshops and stood for prayers in the Ministryzeiten available.

This year I wanted to do next to my usual workshop on gift of prophecy, a slideshow about my travels prayer. In addition, I would like to offer prophetic prayer for the participants. I still had no idea should be run like this, because I not only wanted to prophesy to all. Conveniently, the Lüdenscheid had the same on the heart, so we could get together easily. This

Years was in fact a small team from the FCJG Lüdenscheid there to serve us in many ways.

with Corona and Julian, there was again a new management team (they have done their job very well), this time, there were again not as many people as it used to live by. Nevertheless, the time with around 60 participants rocked ...

addition to the "spiritual" program, there was again a lot of fun around the outside. For example, there was the slippers competition, of course, have won the Simpson's shoes, funny announcements in between (^ ^ or hated?) And of course the ever popular newgames . Have fun made earlier that there were some who were slightly slanted.

New Games have always had the purpose, the people again and to awaken something in motion.

a new game this time aroused such enthusiasm storms, we've made it twice in the entire time ... Frickin 'Chicken !

The worship times, I found time and again very nice, very cool and appealing music that has led us directly to God. A song spoke to me again and again, even if not exactly know as they say. It was definitely to our hearts, and it was coming again and again before this line, as God sings to us, " I love you I love you ... "
cool Even if former participants at once in the worship band play ... Soeren from Lüdenscheid, the band has also gained a lot.

Another thing I was still very touched. On the first evening of this video about the fatherly love of God has been played. The plot of the videos I found so ever very individual and interesting. I might always have been Don Potter, but that line " Welcome home ...! " I was very touched. Somehow, these two things a bit far in I touched that what the ne longing that is apparently still not satisfied ...

The sermons on the theme "Get your step or you already have?" Above all, Simon has led us as a very vivid way again to the subject. Myself have raised the matters now is not so, but I'm on my way in many areas. One thing I've pulled out but what I will always keep in mind: place a guard over my mouth, sir! In other words, help me to be careful what I say.

At the workshops we have been provided on the first day Prophetic Prayer . Here were so many people that we're divided into groups. In my staff were just so we decided to prophesy "blind". One has his eyes closed, while the other is by show of hands agreed, who would come drann. And so is the one who has for each individual of the group of God. The nice thing is that he can hear this for yourself.

I found it interesting that one can receive virtually with a cold start it on the fly impressions. One has to start almost immediately (in this case) 4 spins withdraw without to, while others have them.

was even more exciting, what has come since so of impressions for me and see a red fade by the total individual contributions was. It was very much about New country, out of the water and in the faith going to fall down, and get up again. I own me, that there are mountains that I thought were insurmountable. But I will let loose of time and jump over them (" Here comes my love! He jumps over the mountains, leaping over the hills " Song of Songs 2:8), Jesus is here with me then a new, wide Country show me come out of the corner. Sounds exciting and challenging!

The second day I wanted to really keep my workshop on prophecy, but because no one has logged on, I decided to once more join in the prophetic prayer. This time we have prophesied in a small group of just about teenagers. The things that were there were all very pastoral nature, with some girls I was in a real flow . The things that were there were really hard. I hope and pray that they were healing and have released some. Since real power was it!

On the penultimate evening, we have divided us, boys and girls had their own program. First, we are men first out in the cold and snow. Actually, is absolutely not my case, I had not really winter clothes there. We're divided into groups. Each group was asked only a few matches, get some firewood, a fire to run and then cook in cans two eggs. Even has a lot of fun and even has worked out pretty well.

Afterwards we will talk more in the round about how God, our being a man imagining how to deal with sexuality. Some married men have told their everyday lives, their joys, challenges, victories and defeats says. Very inspiring!

On the last evening there was again the classic colorful evening. It was presented very wide range of creative things. Some songs have even touched me, who have raised a number of young teenagers. They presented themselves painted pictures of a workshop on creative worship . One thing was quite unusual and very class: Miraculix who speaks to Asterix the potion: "'If you do not have power again, just come to me!" (Clear, that is symbolic of God who says to us)

In the times of prayer during services, I could pray for some participants. I was very moved that this was often prophetic and has quite pure crazy. The people were very touched and some had tears in their eyes.

For some staff, I felt that I should pray for them. I could really do with all that was very cool. For others, I had very specific impressions that were often very challenging and have passed very well and are therefore quite pure popped.

Was very cool to have been there again. For the return trip we even found someone who brought us to Munich added. 'm Looking forward to next year!