Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tenting Of The Left Hemidiaphragm Mean?

9288 km in the "Rossiya"

goes with the Metro's from my accommodation to the station "Komsomolskaya" at Place of the three stations. In addition to the Kazan and Leningrad station there and the Yaroslavl train station is located, from which leaves the bulk of long-distance trains to the east.
The last hours before departure, I cast me in a cafe at the Yaroslavl station in black and borscht. Shortly clock 21 is provided on the train platform, the conductors (2 per car) look at the tickets very carefully. The City-Star ticket they are interested in not only the sleeping car reservation is important and is equal cashed (in Russian ticket is the breakdown kept to know when a passenger be thrown off the train must). Russian tickets are actually divided into two, in the Amount for the track itself and in the sleeping car reservation.

First surprise: The cars are barely two years old, the Moscow Railway Administration has yet replaced the GDR-derived production cars of the company Ammendorf by new from the factory in Tver. Russia has varied from region to railway authorities (Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk, etc.) that compete with each other over long distances and make the car material. Depending on the district then only the locomotive is changed. The showpiece of the Moscow Railway Administration, the train is 1 / 2 (Vladivostok - Moscow and Moscow - Vladivostok), other traits are known as the "Baikal" from St. Petersburg to Irkutsk and the "Vyatka" of Moscow to Kirov.
The beds are already made up, at 21:35 Moscow time, the train is in motion, in a compartment with two other men. One of Waldemar, 72 years old and from Finland. He goes to the jamboree also carried to Vladivostok, in order to visit friends. Besides, he speaks fluent Russian and some German and English. The other fellow is Aleksander, 52 years old pensioner and former officer of the Russian artillery. In fact, Ukrainians, he was still mixed in Soviet times to Svobodny, a town between Chita and Khabarovsk at the other end of Russia. There in the Cold War intercontinental ballistic missiles were stationed, and after a visit to relatives in Kiev, he now drives home again. In the Chernobyl accident 1986 had to clean up to him as liquidator, sent to the reactor, which is one reason for his early retirement.
Some other tourists are also on board. Most get off in Irkutsk, which runs in Ekaterinburg in our compartment who has come to Englishman Michael Ulan-Ude. And they all go through Mongolia to China, only the Australian Ken makes the hard way via Lake Baikal and Baikal-Amur Mainline to Sakhalin.

Twice a day's meal into the compartment: in the morning a package consisting of tea bags, instant coffee, wafers, 4 crackers, jam, butter, condensed milk, 10g sugar. Noon then rice or couscous with meat and two slices of smoked fish with lemon. Evening, then self-sufficiency is announced, either at one of the grannies on the platforms (the train makes stops several times a day longer) with dumplings and other traditional fare, or at one of the kiosks, through the sale of Instant Noodles. The taste will be filled with water in the samovar, not particularly, but are cheap and filling.

Shortly after Chita middle of the night is a drunken, stinking of beer into the bald head compartment. Here he was going about 500 km with and whether we wanted a vodka. Then he lies down but with the conductor that brings the train conductor and this sends him into the big room sleeping car ("Plazkart") on the end of the train. Lucky.

Am 18.8. is the "Rossiya" Finally, just before sunrise on time in Vladivostok on. 9288 km and 146 hours since the departure at the Yaroslavl station in Moscow passed, it is still dark and only the 24-hour supermarket next to the Lenin statue is open at the station forecourt.

Once the Internet connection is more reliable here's a supplement with photos.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Can You Get Pityriasis Rosea From Kissing

Shortly after 9 in the morning is the conductor's compartment in, we were the same in Moscow. Together quickly cleared, removed the sheets and made ready to get out. At the Kiev railway station has cozy 32 degrees, there are busy with activity. Smog is nothing to see: The wind has rotated and Moscow "blown". After one kilometer walk to the hostel I'm totally sweaty, throw my stuff in the corner and disappear into a cafe for breakfast. Cappuccino for 5 € and an almond parfait for 4 €, but air conditioning. Afterwards we walk from the metro station "Smolenskaya" on the Arbat (Moscow tourist mile) past the Lenin Library, by the Alexander Garden near the Kremlin wall on Red Square. All over the militia is present, it's really to provide for security or to "ask" for tourists to bribe. In the bookstore, "Biblio Globus" at the Lubyanka's first contact with the Russian-friendliness: issues in English is usually reacted harshly, although of course there are exceptions. If you want to buy anything (and beg for comparison with no money) is the normal Muscovites quite patient in explaining the path.

The Moscow Metro is totally different than what we know from Munich. Hang out no timetable, there enters anyway after 2 minutes the next train. You pay per ride, regardless of distance (with the purchase of ten tickets the 24 rubles = about 55 cents). Many people can not afford it, and jostling behind why the people with tickets through the locks at the entrances. Police and Metro officials are indeed ubiquitous, but also keep times like a nap in their jurisdiction Kammerl. The black driver has no money anyway to pay the penalty. Those who read
"Metro 2033" by Dmitri Gluchowski has the know: The Moscow Metro is located deep under the earth, and the escalators are long. An even 125 meters (station "Park Pobedy"), you stand around nearly 3 minutes, until you are up or down. The stations are some fantastic decorated (with Lenin and other propaganda items), but the names of the stations are written only in Cyrillic, and announcements from the speakers usually sound when opening or closing the doors. "The next station is ... WAMM * *" The network plans are Russian and English, but the Guide to outputs or other stations in Russian only. Quite different from the Japanese character, all times to write about much in Japanese, Korean, Chinese and English.

recognizable in the background: The Russian Foreign Ministry, resident in one of Stalin's "seven sisters". Before that, the inner ring road in Moscow, where despite 10 lanes is often jammed.

The hostel was ok even if somewhat confused. The quadruple booked room was not available, there were no lockers (for which you have a laptop lock), and at least 5 employees (for a total of 18 beds) all day sitting in the kitchen and drank beer. One of them was was German, and most of the overnight it ends well. Of course learning the language of Carinthia, who spent one month Omsk a few days in Moscow to the two Englishmen from Frankfurt and the Kyrgyz, powered by the Wiesbaden-based labels by Russia and Kazakhstan to Kyrgyzstan. not to forget the Germans and his Russian girlfriend, who were due to the temporary closure of the German Embassy in Moscow in dire straits, but she wants to study in Deutshcland and had to wait on an appointment in the consular section of 3 months. Some other messages put on her staff because of the smoke from complete - who can blame it, with visibility of 100 m and watering Eye for an hour at the "fresh" air. Fortunately, I am not asthmatic, but are now up smoking 23 years was probably a waste of time. (Here's to buy cigarettes for 9 rubles per box, which is virtually nothing, and the contents of tobacco probably has to do not much).
While the normal Muscovites to a proposal through life, especially in Moscow's many new rich, showing its defense. Over and over along behind with pendants hung ladies, dressed in the finest yarn Heren, spoiled Schrazen. This shows by money acquired self-confidence is also clearly in dealing with staff in shops - or is the customer in Russia as friendly as the seller?

Moscow is a very interesting city, much more interesting than the existing one in the same dimension Tokyo. The architecture, history, the gap between wealth and poverty. The smoke has me unfortunately had thwarted many a plan. The last hours I spent in Moscow in a cafe at the Yaroslavl station in black tea, borscht and comfortable plus 30 degrees x. The wind had the smoke of 11 August again widely distributed, so that it has passed, at least for a visit to the Kremlin.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Yg Entertainment Requierements

I am back not good.
And I've hurt again.

Copycat Sprinkles Recipe

soul Ficker

I have always thought that if I take drugs, they can still fuck my body, then they should do with me what they want. Because I hate my body is so fat and bulky, and anyway I did not deserve better. But in the moments when the drugs act to stop, I notice that fuck the people at my soul. It hurts, no, more, destroys, without destroying, one is left, and I know that one is broken, incurable, and that one must live with it.

- from the book "Soul Ficker," Natalie

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Brazilian Weave In America

Moscow Munich - Vienna - Zilina - Moscow

visits Great farewell station in Munich's Railjet by ÖBB in Vienna. The trip is uneventful, many tourists, I ponder all the time because even if everything necessary is in the backpack - it seems so. In Vienna, following a reunion with people known for ages from the Internet.

The next day you go to the "Bim" the Vienna South Station or to what it is after the start of construction work remaining. In the REX to Bratislava, the Slovak Schaffner makes me shortly after the border station Devinska Nova Ves to point out that I had a ticket in the post-dissolution value of 1.90. Makes me wonder, since the subsequent tour is included from Bratislava to Zilina sponsored by Bayer "Aspirin R609" in the City-Star ticket. The Western Carpathians are landscaped to look nice. "Vladivostok" makes the ticket at the railway staff for head scratching. Who is doing something for so?
The coaches Zilina - Moscow is initially filled me with a Ukrainian woman and I have a compartment to myself. Fortunately, the place is quite sparse. The sleep has to wait still, what (the price depends Kosice car in a train) to the one at the track state (Holterdipolter), the constant holding and black tea is offered by the conductor (with lime! With sugar! "). After a roughly half-hour visit to the Slovak border town Cierna Tisou the train crawls through the EU's external border to the Ukrainian border station Chop. The uncomplicated Slovak border guards ("VAT? Tax-free?") Follows be disgruntled Ukrainian counterpart, in the best tradition of the Eastern bloc with too much cap. "What in bag? Pistol?" "Nyet Pistol." "How much money here?" "As far as sound €" "chara scho," and he was gone. is the passport's back until after the next few Umspurprozedur: As the tracks were laid in the former Soviet Union with a different gauge (Russian broad gauge), then every single car lifted and replaced the chassis. I've landed the jackpot, is under my bed, the lock, which must be removed for gauging. Hammer, smashing each other chassis (Schaffner: "From Ammendorf, from DDR Very good quality make new now! in Tver, poor quality! "), around screaming workers. After 4 hours the exchange is complete (at the same time, the other, umgespurt to Moscow traffic-border coaches from Budapest, Venice, Zagreb, Thessaloniki, etc.), it goes back to the train station . Chop, where the man hand over the upturned Fressnapf on his head stamped passport

penetrates After a restless sleep by 11 clock in the morning, another passenger in my compartment one: An old Ukrainian, who is traveling to Kiev Nix with English and German. , rudimentary communication using the pre-sets in my Japanese language computer ("I do not have diarrhea"). Did he not, but problems with the heart must decrease and therefore null and dieting. My belly is still bigger.

As the train with 90 - gurkt 100 km / h passes through Ukraine, the day has a 20 clock it in Kiev still mild 37 degrees. On the opposite track driving another train to Moscow, which consists only of third-class compartments, so-called "plazkartny" Wide-sleeper. The platform is busy as the City Hall, Grannies passengers trying to grab clothes or turn, I remain steadfast and confine myself to Instant noodles. The conductor
he means a great fan of Thomas Mueller would be felt and uses every opportunity to other conductors and Pozilisten know that I Vladivostok go. Surprise, who does himself for so slightly.

Ukrainian border control in Konotop is trouble free, stamp in the passport and ready. The Russian border guards in Bryansk just want to see visa and migration card, punch in, finished.

The weather in Moscow is abnormal hot, from the forest fires in the area but you get to anything. The smog has enough indeed look perfect. 'm So far along without bribes to Pozilisten. The one semester of Russian will pay off 3 years ago, here is all written only in Cyrillic.

weather forecast for tomorrow: 40 degrees and sunshine. In the backpack: Black T-shirts. Whether there is interest for salt Batik?