Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Haute Hollywood Locks Hair Extensions

The sport shoe of a job, Hartz IV - How to become a recipient

Smartshopping.de currently advertises a great special offer:
sports shoes for 24.95 €

Mmmmh are not the house slippers??
for daily sports practice "Long-distance running obstacle course of a job, Hartz IV recipients' (lunch from the bed to the sofa and back again at night), or what?

(image and text taken from an online advertisement displayed by Smartshopping.de GMX.de and is therefore subject to their well-Copyright)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Ballet Foot Stretch In Usa

swine flu vaccines get rid of?

As announced here and by many other sources, was all the hysteria surrounding the swine flu only a massive PR campaign by the pharmaceutical companies, lobbyists and their hearing mass media.
Certainly there were fatalities, that must not be forgotten, but the numbers were even behind in a 'normal' flu.
What to do now but with the panic of, hyperactive But politicians bought-million doses of vaccines that did not want a man?
France is desperately countries that remove their accumulated stocks for the supposed 'doomsday' yet. And Germany, it has now managed to decrease in the tough negotiations, only 34 million doses instead of the ordered 50 million doses have to.
Guys, a third (€ 113 million) saved!
nowhere you can find official quotas of how many people have now been vaccinated the real and thus how much of the originally ordered vaccine doses were actually used for now.
again a huge waste of tax that will hopefully lead times to the information from the WHO and the lobbying of Pharamaindustrie to analyze. But this will probably again be just a pious wish.
PS: But do not get bored so we come to the 'Nach' pig flu season now in Holland the next message: The dangerous attacks GOAT FLU!
Merkel: Please order as quickly and expensive vaccines in the pharmaceutical companies, you already know! What you have, the one has and also we have about € 113 million, which will be spent ...

http://www.n-tv.de/panorama/Ziegengrippe-breitet-sich -from-article645028.html