Thursday, December 10, 2009

Bs Engineering And Mba

newspaper Neue Westfälische: How to correct messages on politically correct ...

It is interesting and / or frightening, that while reading the local news always has the feeling that certain information was not better written. There were young people at night as once again attacked by a group of other people physically and robbed. Mmm, one quickly comes to mind now, that was yet again T. .. ääh Southeast Europeans. Of these stands, but in the Neue Westfälische (NW) and could therefore not only be a miserable term bias, which is has (unfortunately) appropriated.
But if you also now and one eye on the press portal of the local Police raises, from which also serve the papers for your reports is a much, that it is unfortunately in many cases not a prejudice but a bitter reality.
especially clear it was to read these days again and I would like to once again make the two texts with respect to, is to see it, as here, the NW, the police reports that reflect nunmal the bare facts, 'politically correct' short by a few facts .

Police Report
Bielefeld-Innenstadt (ots) - Once again the weekend was marked in Bielefeld's city of violence and robberies. It was striking this time was that except one, all the listed crimes in the night of Saturday, 5:12:09 occurred. In chronological order: 5:12:09, 00.20 clock, theft of a debit card and 20 € cash, crime scene: Paul street level Kavalleriestraße, 5 southern Europe to beat two male pedestrians (19 +18 years) and ask for the wallet. Perpetrators fled in the direction of Willy-Brandt-Platz. One of the robbers was wearing a black Filzjacke, hair gelled up in the middle, chin beard. Another offender was wearing a gray cap. 5:12:09, 00.50 clock, brawl in the restaurant Plaza, Arndt Street, three southern Europeans beat three men sitting at the table (22, 22, 21). The three attackers fled in the direction of Minden Road, one of the attackers wore a striking silver suit with red tie.

Neue Westfälische:
Bielefeld. "Once einmalwar the weekend in Bielefeld marked undÜberfällen center of violence," it says indian stock of Bielefeld police. But on the night of Samstagkames seven serious incidents.
occurred, the first is at about 0.20 on the St. Paul road, height Kavalleriestraße. Five Southern Europeans propose to Two men, 18 and 19 years old, and they rob a bank card and 20 € cash. The perpetrators fled in the direction of Willy-Brandt-Platz. One of them wears a goatee and is dressed in a black Filzjacke. In the restaurant at the Plaza Arndtstraße occurs at 0.50 clock in a brawl. Three men attacked three other guests who sit at a table. The attackers fled in the direction of Minden Road.

No wonder that was mentioned in the first case, 'Southern European'. Let's see how it goes:

Police Report
5:12:09, 01.20 clock, attempted robbery of a purse, Crime Scene: Brandenburger-/Herforder road. A five-member Group of people was on the way into the New Station District, when she was attacked by three Turks. A victim (21) was hit in the face and demanded the purse was, but successfully defended. The attackers, all have been younger than 20 years.

Neue Westfälische:
1.20Uhr counter attacked a five-strong group of people on the way to new quarters at the corner of Brandenburg Station Road / Herford street by three young men. They beat a 21-year-old's face and demand surrender of the purse, but are repulsed.

Here was the reference to Turkish origin Äähm ignored. And it continues:

Police Report
5:12:09, 03.30 clock, injury before the beer market, a new railway station district, two guests that occurred during a Christmas party just before the door were there, suddenly and completely unexpectedly attacked by two Turks. One of the victims suffered a bloody wound on his chin.

Neue Westfälische: be
Before the beer market in the Boulevard at 3:30 clock two guests, which came shortly before the perpetrators of the restaurant, suddenly two men angegriffen.Eines the victim with a bleeding wound of it on the chin.

Also in regard to the Turks 'was ignored' deliberately. And now the last case described:

Police Report
Already on Friday, was 4:12:09, at 20.30 clock, a 15 year old boy on the Dorothea Street, house number level. 67, attacked a three-member Turkish group out. Two of the Turks beat the boy with their fists in the face to the ground. Emphatically ("I stab you up") to issue a mobile phones was called. Ultimately nothing was stolen. The attackers should be approximately 17-20 years old and spoke with a strong Turkish accent.

Neue Westfälische:
early on Friday at 20.30 clock is attacked a 15-year-old from a three-member group out. Two of the perpetrators, alleged Turks beat the boy to the ground and demand with threats ("I stab at thee") edition of the phone. There remains, however, the attempt of robbery.

Here were removed all references to the Turkish background and a passage with "allegedly Turks provided. is certainly in the traditional sense of the word 'allegedly' nothing wrong, because it specifies only that it was stated thus, But in general use is often a subtle insinuation that this was not. Perhaps it was intended by the author of the lines not so, but many readers is thus suggested.
A mockery is the final indication of the number to the police, asking for information when in the run a significant amount of information was crossed out.


Friday, December 4, 2009

Age Of Empires Rise Of Rome Démo Windows Vista

Nobel Peace Prize - What if you please?

- Another 30,000 soldiers are deployed to Afghanistan.
- Backed down in the criticism of Isreal settlement policy.
- Authorization for an extension of Dronenangriffe Pakistan in disputed territories.
- the closure of Guantanamo is still distant.
pity that the positive effect that Obama has taught the world after taking office, has evaporated but only once as a Sommernachtsfurz.
a shame that the Nobel Peace Prize was not awarded to someone who not only preaches "Yes, we can ', but also so involved.
An eternal bow to the lobbyists!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Can I Get A Brazilian Wax In Bali

Swift Agreement: EU - The Eternal U.S. vassal

Suddenly the politicians of the EU Commission were quickly (I know, 'politicians' and 'fast' is really a paradox) and the Swift-agreement with the U.S. was before 1 December 'jerk-twitch' waved through. Because today is the Lisbon Treaty and would have given the EU Parliament in this case, a voice, which had to be prevented, because there are sitting too much critics of this Agreement.
But what is it?
With much effort, the money flow-control of transfers between EU and third countries a computer center in the U.S. brought back to Europe in order to prevent unrestricted access to the data of financial transfers from the United States. This is needed, however, according to U.S. authorities for counter-terrorism. And so the U.S. is seen quickly access rights before it enlarged by the rights contained in the Lisbon Treaty of the EU parliament again possibly could have been called into question.
These rights are enshrined in an agreement which contains so much fuzzy rules, and so the U.S. again leaves enough room for interpretation.
And what does the new German Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière in this vote is converted to Swift-in agreement with the Privacy feet: he abstains!
If I am asked strangers on the street whether they should paint their toenails red or purple, I say that this is my shit does not matter (in other words: I am abstaining from voting). But not for such a topic!
Definitely not from Germany, as required by the FDP would have been appropriate.
