Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Ro Guild Emblem Creator

III - Flash memory powers of reason

There are many words that hold contrary to its function is not what they promise, as it were, not where it says what's inside. The word "rational" I do, however much because it is so honest. It promises exactly what it means, no more and no less: people are rational. A talent is something you can use the ... but need not.

In "The Decline of the West" (no, I have the Ham is not recognized) Oswald Spengler predicted in 1918 has those same in the absence of a obstrusen, metaphysical "cosmic force" for this purpose, for the reason that a culture developed from an initial phase of deep religiosity, to an education, a stage, then, of an educated minority has come superstition and irrationality, and that represents the peak of each culture, but then turns into a "civilization" called period of peace and of decay, in the end the irreligion of the majority of the population in a second wave of mysticism, because rationality can not be preserved permanently maintained in a crowd.

Interestingly, I had a similar beginning to think before I heard about this old pessimistic theory. If I now believe, depends on my current mood. That here I have for future use once noted, apparently in a bad mood:

How to write the future history of our time? I think probably not, at least not about the freedom we had, but through the power of business and perhaps the more accessible by removing the freedom of action by the policy. Real freedom is too short to have been nonexistent. Extrapolated times Schily and Schäuble over a few centuries. The Heyday of the Roman Empire lasted 200 years. Democracy and stability in Europe, as we, as normal, and still takes time so far just a few decades. And already they will be dismantled at a rate that a well from a non-historical perspective dizzy.

tempting to even this comparison is with old civilizations. Probably would even we, the offset of life overflowing and beautiful streets of Rome in its heyday, problems to imagine that the buildings would be disintegrated around us in a relatively short time and even more advanced Roman culture would as such almost forgotten , saved in the rudiments of Christianity and the Arab world.

Now we look at ourselves and our ideals and our buildings can not imagine why all of this in 100 or 200 years will be no more? "The Germans complain too much," I've heard complaining for some time a German. Complain about the degradation of democracy by lobbying, inequality and monitoring? No wailing could be loud enough over here and I hear out there! As predicted in the Enlightenment itself was torn Certainly it also Romans, who knew the right steps, which would have prevented the sinking, there was something to avoid. But her wailing is heard no longer, like the wailing of a know and pessimists is heard nowadays. The glorious Roman Empire was in its heyday a zombie: dead to remember, without that it is dead. We also notice anything, perhaps it is even the glory that comes with a high culture to their own destruction. No one can imagine dazzled by the splendor that it will soon be over it.

Spengler called it the disappearance of the cultivable population. I call it the Federal Constitutional Court on wobbly legs, over and over again has to correct policies that are not only against the spirit so against the ideas and guidelines, violates the Constitution but also against the hard limits that lies this fundamental law. The media and the people who do not respond to this with "scandal"-calling, but with indifference, apathy and disinterest.

I have sometimes thought that democracy can be the solution to the eternal ebb and flow of civilizations. But probably thought that every civilization on its own. But I do not see any force that could turn things around. Only the people and the nation itself is only a puppet of the influences that bring it to control our high culture into extinction.

not get me wrong, I will not "We will all die!" Call. But our principles die before our Anyone's eyes and itchy. I just do not know right where to lead it, if not in a slow or rapid degeneration, as long as a significant counter-movement fails.