Wednesday, October 25, 2006

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ask me now, whether I would have settled for yet again, in Germany, if I missed France. Well, yes, I think so fond memories of Paris, the beautiful buildings, the things I have seen on the flair and the Seine. But I can not say that I had trouble getting used to again in my life in Bielefeld.

Today I saw in the park but before the Uni a woman with a slightly bent upper body and arms are outstretched on the grass and for a fraction of a second shot me "Boule" by the head. But then I remembered that the parks are crowded here in nice weather so do not boule-playing old men and this has made me strangely sad somehow. Because the park suddenly seemed so empty.

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Zwei Kendoka während eines Kampfes.
image of Nila Guru Singh under Creative Commons
Monday was my second Kendo training and now I also own Shinai that last night I very carefully sanded, oiled and reassembled by hand did. Even the leather is beautifully white, but that will be comfortable in no time.

I am still very excited, because everything is so new, but I'm good things to have finally found a sport that I enjoy. The whole Rumgeschreie that go with it, is indeed first a bit daunting, but I think you get used as quickly to it. And that alone it will be difficult for even an ordinary Kiai smash, is indeed already a clear Sign that there is a deficit that must be overcome.

any case, it's been really fun, and as I said even if I'm still lousy, I have the impression that they are making progress. And last time I even got a compliment on my timing. Wow.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

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dynamics and competition by funding

Die ehrwürdigen Hallen einer Hochschule. Lieblingsbeschäftigung hier oft: Bürokratie.
extra noise image of under Creative Commons
How many hours was German university staff do not investigate properly, because of sophisticated applications for clusters of excellence wrote? Just a thought. Because I was not there when it was used, but which alone already noticeable burden on the faculty decency, as the new courses should be accredited for a fat requests had to be written ... And with such a sloppy application slapped together one can break (hopefully) in the monies not excellence. Well, our faculty, the work could have saved, but you do not know before. And we have a lot of universities in Germany of which would certainly be very much something abhaben of the cake.

other hand, I can not imagine to look exactly like the dynamics of of the DFG President here speaks . Has anyone more or even better researched, so that he gets the funding? As well, something's not from today to tomorrow. What you can do for such a request flatter, and polish facade. And for that halt squander time that could have been better invested unelitär in his research.

Addendum 17th October: interesting to hear from Holger his commentary, that it was indeed the expected effort for the universities. Now remained for me the question, how could praise Ernst-Ludwig Winnacker, President of the DFG as the action so high, where he ought to know as opposed to politics, as the with the research or not research, because you just write requests, work. I wanted to learn, then, what the heck is the man that the general Prof somewhere and ... yes, in fact, he is C4-Prof ... at the University of Munich!

I had read in the press that the decisions are suspected of insider relationships influence within the DFG to have been. be sufficient that such a modest ropes already seems to me, however, was not clear. From Munich to Munich, it's not as far as we know since Edmund Stoiber .

But whether this Kungeltheorie right now or not, why not sincere about Winnacker can outraged the allocation of funds is so perfectly clear. Why he did so candidly gives his two cents, though it includes its own university and its Nachbaruni to the three chosen ones, I still do not know.

second Addendum: Munich Winnacker the way, is not only President of the DFG, but was also the chairman of the Appropriations Committee. The chairman of the Science Council Peter Stroh outraged now today to the taz that were the proceedings "been clean" and all decisions "taken strictly scientific" (which also always helps a scientific methodology in such decisions). Stroh is Professor of Germanic ... exactly, the University of Munich.